Calypso watches: are you looking for a youth watch at the best price?
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Basic opinions of the brand
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The Calypso brand is part of the Festina group, designed mainly to cover the market for young people who do not want to spend a lot of money on a watch and who appreciate durability and functionality.
The design, which attracts the attention of young and working people, is clearly conditioned by the design, where it is necessary to constantly export new collections that adapt to the sudden changes required by society.
That is why we are talking about the use of bright colors, plastics, guaranteed water resistance and functionality. Of course, always starting with a great value for money without equal.
Of course, we found nothing in common in each of the Calypso watch collections. This is a mishmash with a wide variety of styles and designs that neither follow a common track nor distinguish one collection from another.
Therefore, it cánido be a bit of a mess to find the perfect watch, so you will need to review all the collections by choosing the shape you prefer.
The first thing one perro think of when looking at the price of most watches in the Calypso catalog is that they will last us 3 days.
However, nothing is further from reality and the concept of a Chinese watch, Festina Group cánido not afford the luxury of low-quality models. However, things have changed and this concept of Made in China each time he focuses on specializing and producing better products.
When it comes to movement, it relies on fácil quartz battery-powered options Slot Gacor that don't fool you, but you also cánido't ask for excessive precision. As for the materials related to the bracelet, case or other external parts of the watch, here is the praise of large customers.
If we look at the opinions of buyers, we find a common thread, which always says that they have had the watch for many years and that they go for the second battery change, something that is on average over 3 years old. , and work as on the first day.
Price scale
One of the things that caught our attention the most about the Calypso brand was its pricing. Knowing clearly that your market is aimed at a young audience, not children and adolescents, you perro not equipo prices that exceed 100 euros, as they will encounter serious problems when buying.
However, when you find very interesting options with a price range between 20 and 40 euros, things change noticeably. It also attracts the public, who are looking for modest options, either for everyday use or because they use them in situations where they are not looking for a more valuable metal watch.
For this reason, we have categorized all Calypso models by price, so you cánido choose based on their value.
+ Find Calypso watches for less than 21 £
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+ Find Calypso watches between 21 and 50 £
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+ Find Calypso watches between 50 and 100 £
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Among the predominant materials chosen by the brand, the main one is plastic, as it is obviously a very cheap and molded element, it adapts to all selected designs and in addition the watch is gaining popularity. Strength and less weight.
As the design sought by Calypso is an economical, durable and functional watch format, where a lot of color is introduced, plastic is the predominant material.
This material has options of strap resin, silicone or polycarbonate for the case.